Gowa – Sindikat Egrek Merah


Preview Track: Sjam, Sang Intelektual Komprador

Gowa is the moniker for electronic music composer Lody Andrian, vocalist-guitarist for thrash metal unit Fakecivil and synthesizer for post-metal group Amerta. In contrast to the two aggressive metal bands he joined, Gowa was born with the aim of building cinema in our heads, an exploration of imagination with stimulants of musical sounds and narrative conflicts. Like the score of a movie that never existed.

Gowa’s debut full-length album Sindikat Egrek Merah (Red Sickle Syndicate) is a hauntology record, about the revenge story of a group of vigilantes seeking revenge for a mass massacre over palm oil land. The twelve instrumental compositions that are presented in it brutally drag us into life, playing role after role in the plot of a slasher film.

This release containing liner notes from Herry “Morgue Vanguard” Sutresna, and breathtaking artworks from Ramzi Firhad.

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  1. Merebut Matahari (5:11)
  2. Aparat dan Korporat Sudah Dekat (1:56)
  3. Kesumat (3:24)
  4. Merdeka Sebelah Mana (5:30)
  5. Tikam (4:59)
  6. Memungut Mayat di Kebun Sawit (5:11)
  7. Tentang Kebebasan (4:26)
  8. Sjam, Sang Intelektual Komprador (3:52)
  9. Senandung Tumpah Darah (4:56)
  10. Mesopotamia di Atas Gambut (4:36)
  11. Jangan Mati Dulu, Jangan Sekarang (3:07)
  12. Kami Adalah Semua Orang (4:11)

Includes: Digital download in 320kbps MP3, Exclusive Digital Booklet, and .WAV format by request to info@noisewhore.com