COLDVVAVE – eigengrau


Preview Track: Remember This, As Always (Feat. Wednes Mandra of Rabu)


COLDVVAVE offered a mix of electronic Coldwave and Post Punk composition which they called “cold sounds from tropical islands”. The eigengrau album was produced by Wednes Mandra of Rabu in which he collaborated in one of the songs “Remember This, As Always”

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Staff Comments: 

“The name Indra Menus is a heavy one, he’s been around for so long and I’d say he’s one of the biggest contributors in the independent music in this country. That said, with COLDVVAVE, he formed a duo with Vitus Yogi “Obluda” to create a dark, atmospheric sound, worthy of many repeated listens”


SKU: NW033 Category: Tag:


  1. Remember This, As Always (Feat. Wednes Mandra of Rabu)
  2. Memory
  3. Membujur Pilu
  4. As the Sun Seeps
  5. An Adored Woe
  6. Instrumentalia #1
  7. Instrumentalia #2
  8. Instrumentalia #3
  9. Instrumentalia #4
  10. Instrumentalia #5

Includes: Digital download in 320kbps MP3.