Closure – Innocence


Preview Track: Post Partum

This album tells about the journey of human life from childhood to adulthood and faces the real world which is told in 10 tracks of vintage 80s Alternative Rock songs. The lyrics conveyed the theme of the reality of human growth such as the problems of adolescent puberty, the phenomenon of religious extremities, childhood nostalgia, and impostor syndrome.

This release is an exclusive to The Store Front.

Staff comments:
“Superb materials; a release worth waiting for. The most anticipated release from an already promising act.”


SKU: NW391 Categories: , Tag:


  1. Paradigm
  2. Cold Room
  3. Resuscitated
  4. Post-Partum
  5. Unbreakable Pleasure
  6. Warehouse
  7. Stray
  8. Puberty
  9. Pawn
  10. I’m a Travelling Man

Includes: Digital download in 320kbps MP3, exclusive digital booklet, and .WAV format by request.