
CODEX I: INITIUM NOVUM consist of, I: A Poem, II: Apollogetic, III: Aftermath. Initium Novum means New Beginning on latin, it signifies a new journey for humanity in the future. Theme of this EP is that humans are not meant to die on earth but to thrive among the stars. As human loss their fights again nature, they must flee into the outer space in order to survive. With no exact destination, human muys work together to make sure the future generation will survive.

wav format available by emailing info@noisewhore.com after checkout.

Staff Comments: 

“An interesting entry as the progressive rock scene grows, so does the music in it. Yurismono provides an exciting enough EP that you’ll be curious after listening to these three tracks”

SKU: NW306 Category: Tag:


  1. I: A Poem
  2. II: Apollogetic
  3. III: Aftermath

Includes: Mp3 download.