Rollfast – Skets (Live at Puri Agung JRO Kuta)


Preview Track: Skets I – Live

Rollfast brought their music into a different atmosphere. This time, they played over at Puri Agung JRO Kuta. The live performance spans across five tracks, lasting well over 30 minutes. The performance can be described, as cheesy as it is, out of this world.

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Staff Comments: 

“The progression of Rollfast has been clear for everyone to see. Prior to Garatuba, they released Skets, a performance worthy of applause all around.”

SKU: NW090 Category: Tags: ,


  1. Skets I – Live
  2. Skets II – Live
  3. Skets III – Live
  4. Skets IV – Live
  5. Skets V – Live

Includes: Digital download in 320kbps MP3.