LAIR, Sigrid Espelien – Entered by The Wind


Jatiwangi surf/psych-folk/soul outfit LAIR (a vernacular tongue for the word ‘born’ or ‘lahir’, spelled lah-eer) collaborates with Norwegian potter Sigrid Espelien in new single “Entered by the Wind.” In the new single, Sigrid explores newfound belief that borders almost on an innocent fascination towards the local phenomenon ‘masuk angin’ based on firsthand experiences post-‘midang’ (being out and about until late in the night).

While it might be a bit childlike in the eyes of the locals, it seems to be instilling a deeper question about Indonesian people’s’ unconsciously deep understanding of ancient prana breathing? No? Ok then.


This release is an exclusive to The Store Front.

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Includes: Digital download in 320kbps MP3, and .WAV format by request to