Nectura – Narasi Penantang Dari Lanskap Yang Ditinggalkan


Released in 2020, Narasi Penantang Dari Lanskap Yang Ditinggalkan is the second studio album released by Nectura, a band formed in Ujungberung, Bandung, under Playloud Records.

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Daftar lagu: 

  1. Chapter One. BLESS NECTURA II
  2. Chapter Two. KULTUS
  3. Chapter Three. SETARA
  4. Chapter Four. TIRANI MATI
  5. Chapter Five. JALANG TERBUANG
  6. Chapter Six. SANG PENANTANG
  7. Chapter Seven. NARASI BASABASI
  8. Chapter Eight. KAWAN BUKAN LAWAN

Includes: MP3 320Kbps download.