Includes: Digital download in 320kbps MP3, and .WAV format by request to

Car Crash Coma – What If I Leave You Again?
After deciding a force majeure hiatus causing by the band splits up, Dan seems still doesn’t want to give up the band only because of someone can’t keep their promises to stay and keep on doing the band together with him. Took Wilo on another wild ride as the only person that left in the band, Dan seems put his trust that much on Wilo to help him to continue on putting Car Crash Coma as a champ of teenage rock n roll unit that sounded like late 90s to early 2000s romcom soundtrack at least around the Scoundrelland. They both working pretty hard and well on recollecting the missing files of their latest records, planning some quite big agenda on releasing the stuffs they’ve been cook so far, and to finally calling up the new member outside from the city they’re in and finding out some new people they don’t know about at all before that they think they’re deserve to hoop in and join the rock n roll ride with them.
What If I Leave You Again(?) is a song about letting someone go out from your life by leaving them behind as an actual move to show that yourself is more worth than the bullshit they throw to gaslight and guilt-trip you in some way that ruin your mental state. Living in a relationship that have a toxic connection causing by your partner behavior will bring you nothing but hell, the most winning move to play is leave them and never looking back again for the sake of saving yourself from a self-destructive cycle of life on this very hard surviving time. You’ll still missing them sometimes, but you choose peace over the chaos of being together with them. This is a song to say “Get well soon!”, from us to you with the love you deserve!
This release is an exclusive to The Store Front.