Daftar lagu:
- No Regret
- Sacred Space
- The Deep is Calling
Pembelian mencakup: Unduhan MP3 digital dengan kualitas 320kbps.
Preview Track: The Deep is Calling
This release pretty much tells about twists and turns of life, birth and death, anxiety and the way humans find their identity, those are the reason we created this EP Self Titled ’20. Listeners can feel the strains of hardcore music packed with heavy metal touches on some of the guitar riffs and combined with a bit groovy beat inside. There are 3 songs in this EP called No Regret, Sacred Space, and The Deep is Calling.
Pembelian mencakup rilisan dengan format wav yang dapat ditanyakan melalui info@noisewhore.com setelah pembayaran dilakukan.
Komentar Kami:
“A juice to last you the whole day, BLEACH is as exciting as one can get with their harsh tunes.”
Daftar lagu:
Pembelian mencakup: Unduhan MP3 digital dengan kualitas 320kbps.